At Natural, we have the talented architects visit our office and factory all the time. They are invited to understand how we design and create veneers, wood mosaics, and other wooden products. When the architects want to visit our factory, our directors are personally present at the factory to welcome the architects. The architects are given a personalized walkthrough by the directors themselves. They are given in-depth information about the respective manufacturing process and the machinery involved, and are explained the entire manufacturing process, right from procurement of wooden logs to the packing and dispatch.

When the architects are at our factory, they are given an excellent hospitality; they are served mouthwatering snacks, and for lunch they are served some delicious local delicacies that make them lick their fingers.  Even their pick up and drop off to the hotel is taken care of by us.

It always saddens us to see the architects go back, and the feeling is mutual with them. So as a sign of our love, we give them a wonderful souvenir.


This beautiful souvenir is made of real wood. The grains on these wooden objets d’art are very unique and magnificent. They are unlike anything seen on other wooden pieces. But these exclusive wooden pieces are not just for showing off; they have fantastic use as well. These are desk stands, complete with pen holders, card holder, a mobile stand, and space for small office stuff like pins, erasers, etc. These exclusive wooden desk stands are only meant for our esteemed architects.

These souvenirs are so exclusive that they have their own souvenir bag in which they are given. These bags are specially crafted for these souvenirs. The bags, just like the souvenirs, that they carry, are elegant and suave.

If you have one of these, you are one of the handful people who are intimately related with Natural Veneers. And if you do not have one yet, get in touch with us, we will gladly arrange for your visit to our factory.